• (850)-893-0670
  • sliang@customscourt.com
  • Tallahassee, FL


Shanshan "Shannon" Liang

Shanshan Liang, Esq.

Shanshan “Shannon” Liang was born in China and attended Tongji University for her B.Eng, degree and Fudan University for a minor degree in law. She came to the U.S. to obtain her Ph.D. in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at The State University of New York at Stony Brook where she published many scientific articles in peer-reviewed conferences and journals.

Shanshan moved to Florida with her family in 2009, graduating Magna Cum Laude from The Florida State University College of Law. Her engineering background has helped her to achieve multi-million dollar duty reductions for several clients. Shannon + Mooney PLLC offers a perfect fit for her engineering, language, and legal skills.

J.D. with High Honors, College of Law, Florida State University. Business Certificate with Highest Honor
Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, State University of New York, Stony Brook
B.Eng., Tongji University
Second Degree in Law, Fudan University

Florida Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association
Customs and International Trade Bar Association
Published/Edited: Florida State University Business Review
Published/Edited: Florida State University Journal of Transnational Law and Policy

Liang + Mooney PLLC Associate Jonathan Foege

Johnathan Foege, Esq.

Associate Attorney

Born and raised in Florida, Johnathan attended Florida State University, where he received a B.S. in International Affairs and a B.A. in Italian Language and Culture, with a minor in linguistics.
Attracted to work in International Trade, Johnathan pursued his Juris Doctorate at Florida State University, College of Law.  There, he competed for two years in the Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition and served as Vice President of FSU’s International Law Students Association.  He graduated from FSU Law with his J.D. in 2024, also earning the Certificate of International Law with honors.
Johnathan began working with Liang + Mooney, PLLC in 2023 as a law clerk.  He found the firm to be a unique fit for his passion for international law.  As an associate attorney to the firm, he is excited to add value and see what the future has in store.

J.D. with Certificate of International Law with honors, College of Law, Florida State University. 
B.Sci., International Affairs, Florida State University
B.Arts, Italian Language and Culture, with a minor in Linguistics

Lara Schmertmann Costa, L.L.M.

Lara Schmertmann Costa, L.L.M.

A Tallahassee native, Lara received a B.A. in Political Science and Portuguese, cum laude, from the University of Florida before moving to Brazil.

After what was intended to be a short-term break between undergraduate studies and law school in the United States became permanent, she decided to pursue a law degree in Brazil. Lara completed her law degree in 2020 and became a member of the Brazilian Bar. She was a member of the Special Commission on International Law, Foreign Commerce, and Maritime Law of the Bahian chapter of the Brazilian Bar from 2022-2024.

Lara began working with Liang + Mooney, PLLC while enrolled in the LL.M. in Business Law at Florida State University. She completed her LL.M., summa cum laude, in 2021, and has stayed on with Liang + Mooney ever since.

L.L.M., summa cum laude, Florida State University College of Law

Bacharelado em Direito (L.L.B. equivalent), Universidade Católica do Salvador

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Portuguese, cum laude, University of Florida