• (850)-893-0670
  • sliang@customscourt.com
  • Tallahassee, FL

Trademark Now – or Turmoil Later

While running your business, you have a million things to think about.  Customers, employees, taxes, transactions – the list is endless.  But what about protecting the company’s very identity, goodwill, and brand?  A company’s name and logo are vital to success from a marketing standpoint, and as such you should be doing everything possible to protect them.  A great place […]

Enhanced Enforcement of Antidumping and Countervailing Duties, New Petitions

This is an old blog we lost during our transfer of site hosting. Update on this topic is forthcoming in a future blog. Executive Orders President Trump issued two Executive Orders on March 31, 2017, signaling the new administration’s opposition to unfair trade practices. The first Executive Order (See Original Document Here) directs the Department of Commerce (“DOC”) and the […]

Protecting Your U.S. Trademark Overseas

In addition to 84 other countries, the United States is a party to the two treaties comprising the Madrid System for international registration of trademarks.  This system provides trademark owners a cost-effective, efficient way to protect their trademarks overseas.  While not all business need to take advantage of the Madrid System, those businesses and individuals seeking to do business or […]